Transform the way you live and work.


The Tri Brain® Approach

Head. Heart. Gut


Transform Your Life

What I offer to you is the opportunity to transform the way you live.

You will reshape your brain and nervous system in a way that results in greater resilience, calm, clarity and overall happiness.

I’ll guide you to develop the skills and resilience needed to navigate life’s complexities. Using evidence-based mindset techniques coupled with brain-based and heart-centered coaching support , your familiar filters will shift and your perspectives will evolve, creating new frameworks for looking at opportunities and challenges.

The result will be renewed self-awareness and awareness of others.

Schedule a complimentary conversation now to learn more.


 What is mindfulness?


Testimonials / What clients are saying.


Blending real-world experience and relevant science.

“Understanding how the brain works, the way Elizabeth conveys it, enabled me to see and understand what my brain was doing in any given situation. This awareness helped me to identify how I had conditioned (wired) myself to behave over time and how I could shift my thinking patterns and emotions to create new wiring, which has lead to enhanced performance in all facets of my life.”

— Kim Ahearn


Increasing awareness and turning that into action.

“Simply put, Elizabeth’s practice and compassion has changed my life. She guided me to become more present and aware and how to turn that awareness into meaningful actions. The impact of her coaching is a direct reflection of her commitment of service to others, a wealth of understanding on the science of “how” and “why” behind human behavior, combined with an affective and very personable coaching style. ”

— Chad Giddings


My team was ecstatic.

“In any business that is innovating and moving quickly, employees can deal with a large degree of stress. Leadership's responsibility to support their team goes far beyond heath insurance and the occasional team happy hour. I brought in Elizabeth to lead an educational session with my team, and it was one of the best decisions I could have made. We learned about our brains and the neuroscience behind healthy communication, stress management, and productivity. My team was ecstatic. I was giving them real tools to take to the workplace and home, and it will continue to be part of the benefits I share with Intrinio into the future. Helping my employees learn and grow is the best part of my job - Elizabeth made that much easier with a modern, brilliant twist.”

— Rachel Carpenter, Chief Executive Officer - INTRINIO


Interested in applying Tri-Brain® to your wellness practice?

I offer a personalized Tri-Brain® continuing education program for health care providers, coaches, health & wellness practitioners, and anyone interested in learning more about their three centers of intelligence.

Contact me to learn more
